Internet has become a fundamental tool for Business. Unfortunately, many companies still treat their websites as a dumping ground for content or as a glorified brochure of services.
- 1 billion websites on the Internet. Launching a website is like opening a store on the North Pole. Nobody knows that you are there.
- People are frustrated when searching on the Internet. Search and navigation is primitive on the Web. #startupIdea
- Customer attention is low. First impressions on the internet are the last impressions.
- Online purchasing processes are poor. Hence, most Startups sell through affiliates like Amazon and Flipkart. Most people still abandon their shopping carts.
- Marketing costs make the business models unworkable.
Note: It is important to engage your visitors and make yourself more visible if you want to be seen online. Write blogs and publish them on your site which is informative and can draw your visitor’s attention. Create a subscription database so that each blog that you publish goes to these recipients, thus increasing your site traffic. Content optimization helped our clients increase their traffic by almost 300 percent. Check our healthcare digital marketing and legal digital marketing services for success.
- Most people would not admit that their websites contain content that is outdated.
- Everyday customers are leaving Web sites, turned off by out-of-date, poor quality content. People will never hoard garbage in their houses, yet they leave rotten content on their websites.
- Website is as important for your team as is for your customers. Most people fail to understand this.
How? Think Pitch!
Best way to create a website is to visualize it as an interactive publication of your pitch.
- Keep it crisp and clear.
- Highlight unique selling propositions.
- Don’t crowd it with pages. Go only as deep as absolutely necessary.
- Step Into your customer’s shoes.
- Step into your team’s shoes.
- Build a Website Persona to build a customer relationship.
- Pre-answer any questions that your customers will have in mind. #faq
- Use graphics that are quick to load and instantly appealing.
- Save your customers time. Deliver as much possible in as concise manner as humanly possible.
- A quality website will allow both your team and customers to find the right content and answer all the questions quickly.
- Most people want limited, rather than unlimited choice.
- People often like to talk to someone or at least drop an email. Make a Live chat or Contact page handy.
- People want to know if there are real credible people running the operation. Maintain a Team page. Or Build a reply and followup mail chain ready to make them feel like they are talking to a real human.
Building a website is no magic wand, and only a very few people are able to capitalize on it effectively. It will take some cost and effort and a couple of iterations to get it right.
The day to day job of a website is about delivering the right content to the right person at the right time, at the right cost. The best websites keep it simple. the best web strategies are fully integrated with the company’s overall strategies.
Need help building a kickass website?
Reach us: [email protected]