
Startupflux Tools & Integrations

We're here to make your work life simpler!

Sales Intelligence

Company Data on the Go: With details on 1M+ companies in your pocket, finding company information like Location, Team, Funding, Business Model, Social media, Tech stack and more, has never been easier. Download now and Save time researching prospects and partners.

Marketing Intelligence

StartupFlux marketing intelligence helps you with content research, monitoring and analytics, influencer research, social listening and more.

Sales Intelligence Chrome Extension

The easiest way to access data on Companies like Location, Teams, Funding, Business Model, Social media, Tech stack and more! Save time researching prospects and partners. One click on the StartupFlux Icon to access valuable data without even changing the page.

Link Xtractor

Link Xtractor is a powerful chrome extension which lets you extract all the links from Google Search results or any HTML page. Easy One click to copy all links and store them.

Broken Link Checker

pages and identifies all the broken links on them. This is the fastest way to find broken links and quickly fix them. Keep your website error free and rank higher on Google