
Business Opportunities in Healthcare Sector: Management of Non-Communicable Disease


What are NCDs?

A non-communicable disease (NCD) is a medical condition or disease that is not caused by infectious agents.

Four major categories of non-communicable diseases:
1. Cardiovascular Diseases
2. Diabetes
3. Chronic respiratory Diseases
4. Cancer

Global Overview

The global burden and threat of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) constitutes a major public health challenge that undermines social and economic development throughout the world. An estimated 36 million deaths or 63% of the 57 million deaths that occurred globally in 2008 were due to NCDs.

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Prevalence of NCDs in India

Economic burden of NCDs in India NCDs not only affect health, but also productivity and economic growth. The probability of dying during the most productive years (ages 30-70) from one of the four main NCDs is a staggering 26%. Moreover, an aging India, whose population is growing more susceptible to NCDs, is likely to put added economic stress on both private households and healthcare delivery systems.

The way forward NCDs – India’s next major Health challenge

The NCD burden in India will significantly worsen in the future: NCDs are common in older populations.
Leadership and coordination: An overarching policy, strategy, or coordinating body for NCDs is missing NCD related institutions: India has several major institutions dealing with NCDs at the national level Programs/initiatives: India is gradually developing a broad array of public programs targeting NCDs. Surveillance: The scarcity of good quality data is seriously affecting NCD planning processes Human Resources: The supply of health professionals qualified in NCDs will likely be insufficient to meet the rising demands Finance: The current financing burden for NCD treatment falls disproportionately on the poor

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Complete Report:

Non-Communicable Diseases present a great risk as well a great business opportunity in Healthcare sector in India.
Entrepreneurs can explore NCD’s to build Startups that help people and make money as well.

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Research By:

Varun Mahajan | [email protected]
Founder & CEO

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